Samuel Ismael

Junior software developer

Personal info


Samuel Ismael


West London, Brentford




About me

What do I do?

I'm a Junior software developer with a wealth of diverse life and technical experience that I bring to every project.

How do I do it?

I follow form as well as function. I know the aesthetics of effective design combined with applicatiion speed, security and reliability combine to create a great user experience.

Why hire me?

I work quickly and effectively in getting things built and working across the stack. I am an excellent communicator who thrives in bright and enthusiastic teams and I'm also a self starter when working solo.


Order summary component

Using only HTML and CSS I was able to make this component for an order summary. This was a fun project, and great practice for responsive design skills. I enjoyed the front end focus, using flexbox, finely tuning the colours, the smaller details and how it all comes together to make great a user experience.

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Password generator

Following some instruction from a tutorial, and using the powerful Logic of Javascript, and a small amount of HTML and CSS I was able to create this Handy password generator. It gives the option to choose how many charaters you would like in your password, as well as including uppercase, numbers and symbols, up to a maximum of 50 charaters.

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This was the first landing page I made, using frontend mentor. I have since reused this layout for a friend that thought it would be perfect for her Cake website. She became my very first customer, so this project marks a milestone in my progress.

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